Free beer!
The history, science and art of the world's most popular alcoholic beverage... and also there will be free beer.
Beer is the worlds oldest, and most popular alcoholic beverage.
In it's simplest form, it is made using only four ingredients - water, grain, hops and yeast - yet there are dozens of distinct varieties of beer to choose from and countless variations even within a particular style. It is this variety that makes beer such a wonderful beverage. That, and it's incredibly tasty, too!
I welcome you to come join me in a celebration of beer.
You will learn about it's history and the fascinating chemistry/biology experiment that is brewing. You will also take a tour around the modern beer landscape, and see that there is so much more out there than Helles, Weissbier, and Pils. At the conclusion of the tour, I will provide samples of a couple of great, and hard-to-find, beers. I also welcome others to bring in examples of their favorite beer.
The talk, by Mike Bell, will take place on September 23 at 5:30 pm in the MPA lecture hall.