Friday, March 5, 2010

#2 Tomasz Rembiasz: Hear about Sound!

Hearing is one the most important senses. Unlike light, sound enables us to localize objects and dangers (like a fierce tiger or an approaching car) from all directions. But how exactly does it happen that we can tell that we heard something from in front, from behind, from above or from below? How sensitive is our ear? Sound can also be a source of pleasure! We all appreciate a good conversation with friends or listening to music. The above mentioned issues and many more (i.e. sound illusions) will be discussed in this seminar.


For MPA members, examples of sound illusions are under

Image provided by, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0

1 comment:

  1. This was really a great talk. Exactly what I had envisioned a FAAARTS talk should be like. The audio hair-cut was my favorite part.
